Avoiding foreclosure may be possible and potentially in your better financial interest. Foreclosure is the legal process by which a lender attempts to recover the amount owed on a defaulted loan by taking ownership of the mortgaged property and selling it. Typically, default is triggered when a borrower misses a specific number of payments either intentionally or unintentionally. It can also happen when a borrower fails to meet other terms in the mortgage document. Every financial story is unique
CREATE your unique plan.
Short sale when a mortgage lender agrees to accept a mortgage payoff amount less than what is owed in order to facilitate a sale of the property by a financially distressed owner. The lender forgives the remaining balance of the loan.
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson and Founder Coastal Compass
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Listed on the Fortune 500®
You can be confident that you are supported by a brokerage with the collective insight of 28,000 agents, the scale of the #1 brokerage by sales volume, and the merit of the Fortune 500®.
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2021 Gross Transaction Value*
From staging to renovation, we can leverage our exclusive Concierge program to prepare your home for the market with zero upfront costs or interest. By investing in your home’s potential, we aim to provide a swifter, more profitable sale.
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Whether working with first-time buyers or indulging the connoisseurs of life, representing a parcel of land or an estate on the Gold Coast, Susan and her team offer exemplary time, care, attention and expertise to guide every client to find their way home.